Sunday, September 23, 2012

Igniting Student Intellectual Curiosity With Media Literacy

Media educator Renee Hobbs, writing for the National Association of Secondary School Principals, argues that "fun and engaging digital and media literacy programs stretch students’ critical thinking skills while developing practical skills in using the computer and the Internet."

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Another Teachable Moment: Watching The Debates With Students

Four years ago, my colleague Karen Zill and I authored "Lights, Camera, Debate" an essay published in Cable In The Classroom magazine about the importance of how to watch a presidential debate.

Thanks to my colleagues at MiddleWeb, I have revised and 
updated this essay on the upcoming debates which includes a link to the original essay, as well as a revised debate watcher's worksheet.

The worksheet asks students to consider the setting, the techniques of persuasion, favorite phrases, rehearsed responses, camera cutaways, and post-debate analysis.

I hope you will share this with those who plan to engage students in the upcoming debates and the media coverage of same.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

CFP NAMLE Media Literacy Conference

The National Association for Media Literacy Education is currently inviting proposals for participation in its 2013 NAMLE Conference to be held in Torrance, CA July 12-13, 2013.

Acquiring Media Literacy and Using Technology

In this post, Larry Cuban offers two examples of lessons using new technologies, one in a Canadian elementary school on analyzing candy ads after students had read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and a Providence (RI) high school social studies lesson on World War II.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

NAMLE members honored with NCTE Media Literacy Award

The National Council for Teachers of English announced that long-time NAMLE member and former board member, Kara Clayton and NAMLE member Erin Ferris are the recipients of the Seventh Annual NCTE Media Literacy Award. Details from NAMLE.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Media Literacy & Politics: What Every Student Should Know

Future voters and civic leaders need to understand how political messages are crafted so that they can see through the spin, says media literacy expert Frank Baker. Details in this essay published on MiddleWeb.